JBoss and Windows 2000

I'm the administrator of a Windows 2000 Small Business Server which my company uses for way too many things. It has our email server, dns server, file server, and so on. And when we deployed a J2EE app running JBoss, it got nomitated for the task. Just the other day when I was working with our app, it quit responding. It took me a number of hours to figure out what the problem was, so I figured I'd archive the solution here.



I'm a big fan of Good Eats with Alton Brown. The food is always simple (no maitake mushrooms in every recipe), his approach is a little off the wall, and he shares great bits of useless information here and there. Wonderful show.

In his show about oatmeal there's a great recipe for granola. It's simple, cheap, and tastes wonderful. I've started making it 2 or 3 times a week. I eat it for breakfast and as snacks throughout the day. One of my friends recommended I start a business selling the stuff. It is that good, but I don't think I'm up for a granola business.


How to make a Christmas card

Every year my wife and I struggle through making Christmas cards. Last year we spent hours and hours on a great letter, and then never sent it out. So this year I figured if we're gonna forget to send out letters, we should at least send out a card. Plus it would be fun and exciting to make my own. This is my tale.

I started off with a nice picture of the family. We went down by the river and found a spot with some pretty yellow and red leaves in the background. A tripod and auto timer completed the package. The hardest part was getting my son to sit still and smile.


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